Tag: yuri vaughn

Shiso Mochi and Spring 2012 Sencha

This must be the fifth time I’m talking about sencha, but the Spring 2012 harvest is a world difference from last year crop. To top it off with Masood’s steeping skill, who I’ve heard is the person to make sencha,…

Yuri’s Inside-Out Mochi and Puer

Another creation of Yuri Vaughn: the Inside-Out Mochi – the chewy green mochi is inside, the lama bean paste is outside, a scrumptious coat of ground sesame and walnut to tie everything together, and a wedge of soft agar agar…

Sunday 15/04 – Sesame mochi and teas

Sesame mochi is different from the other mochis. The coat is hard and chewy. The black sesame filling oozes out as I press the fork down. The filling, salty, sweet and resembling wet sand, is addictive. It’s a wonderful mochi.…

Sencha and yomogi mochi

The third pairing of mochi and Japanese green tea. Perfect! Yes, finally a mochi that goes perfectly with sencha. Yomogi (Japanese mugwort), julienned into tiny strings and mixed with the mochi dough, gives the mochi a clean, refreshing taste, which…

Matcha and kabocha mochi

Another pairing of Japanese tea and Japanese snack. A bowl of matcha is supposed to suffice your daily vegetable need because you’re actually consuming the leaves themselves, in powder form. Matcha is served in a bowl. Mix water (205 F)…

Sencha and Mochi

Sencha in yunomi, a typical Japanese thick, tall teacup, whose name I’ve yet to find out, accompanied by a matcha mochi, whose fillings include: satsuma sweet potato, red bean paste, orange juice and walnuts. (Thanks Masaaki for telling me the…